Our Research
Average gestation period and lifespan in select species. Courtesy of Ross Toro.
Graphic representation of the difference in developmental rate between mouse and human embryos. Otis & Brent 1954.
The wonder of species-specific rates of development
Even though early stages of mammalian development are highly evolutionarily conserved, different species complete the same overall sequence of developmental events at markedly different speeds. Astonishingly, the duration of gestation in mammals ranges from 20 days in mice to 645 days in African elephants. Large-bodied animals tend to develop at slower rates and display increased lifespans (e.g. elephants, humans), whereas the converse is true for small-bodied species (e.g. mice, rabbits). How species-specific rates of development are set represents a major unanswered question in developmental biology
This gap in our knowledge stems in large part from a lack of simple assays to precisely measure developmental rate in different species. The Diaz Cuadros lab has established a tractable in vitro system that recapitulates the approximately two-fold difference in developmental rate between early mouse and human embryos. We differentiate mouse and human pluripotent stem cells into presomitic mesoderm, a cell type that harbors a molecular oscillator known as the segmentation clock. The period of this clock provides a high-resolution, quantitative proxy for developmental speed.
Previous studies have suggested that biochemical reaction speeds, including the rates of protein production and degradation, are accelerated in fast-developing species and are therefore responsible for controlling species-specific rates of development. Using her novel in vitro system, Dr. Diaz Cuadros discovered that mass-specific metabolic rates are elevated in mouse cells compared to human cells and that partially inhibiting the mitochondrial electron transport chain slows down the segmentation clock by reducing the global rate of translation. These studies revealed that metabolism works upstream of biochemical reaction speeds to control the rate of development.
Understanding the regulation of developmental rate in different species will help us learn how to manipulate it, which will have multiple translational applications. First, we will develop pharmacological approaches to the acceleration of human PSC differentiation, thus removing a major roadblock in the use of these cells for disease modeling and cell-based therapies. Furthermore, interventions that slow down developmental rate could potentially be repurposed as cancer therapies, as tumor cells share multiple features with embryonic cell types. Lastly, the strong correlation between developmental rate and lifespan means that we could co-opt strategies that slow down development to ameliorate aging-related diseases.
Ongoing Projects
Oscillations of the segmentation clock (HES7-YFP) in human presomitic mesoderm cells derived in vitro. Diaz-Cuadros et al. 2020
We use stem cell models of mammalian development and the power of Caenorhabditis elegans genetic to explore the following questions:
Species-specific metabolic rates: What allows cells from faster-developing species (e.g. mice) to sustain faster metabolic rates than those from slowly-developing species (e.g. humans)?
Redox Biology: What is the role of compartment-specific NAD+/NADH ratios in regulating cell physiology and developmental speed?
Metabolic control of proteostasis: How does cellular metabolism regulate the rate of protein production and degradation to modulate changes in developmental speed?
Unbiased approaches to developmental rate: Systematic identification of genes involved in the regulation of developmental speed through genome-wide CRISPR screens in human cells and forward genetics in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.
Caenorhabditis elegans as a whole-animal model for developmental rate
C. elegans hermaphrodite imaged every 10 minutes from hatching to adulthood in an agarose microchamber. eft-3p::mCherry constitutively labels the worm, whereas dpy-9p::GFP tracks oscillations of the molting clock.
The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans undergoes a highly stereotyped and temporally coordinated sequence of embryonic and post-embryonic developmental steps, making it an ideal in vivo model for developmental timing. We can quantitatively track developmental speed by imaging single larvae expressing fluorescent reporters for the molting clock (Meeuse et al. 2020). The nematode’s short life cycle also allows us to study the interconnections between developmental speed, reproductive output, and lifespan.
We are currently pursuing several projects featuring C. elegans as our discovery engine:
Forward genetic screening for fast-developing C. elegans mutants by random EMS mutagenesis
Identification of slow- and fast-developing wild strains of C. elegans for QTL mapping and GWAS
Detailed phenotyping of developmental speed in long-lived C. elegans strains with defects in the electron transport chain